Dr. Phyo Paing

Marketing Trainer and Consultant helping people and
businesses to increase productivity and profit.

Marketing Trainer and Consultant helping people and businesses to increase
productivity and profit.


ရှာဖွေတွေ့ရှိမှုတစ်ခု အသစ်တွေ့သွားတဲ့အခါ
အရင်မမြင်ခဲ့တဲ့ ကမ္ဘာကြီးမြင်သွားတယ်။
လုပ်နည်းကိုင်နည်းအသစ်တွေ တွေ့လာတယ်။

Reading is like embarking on a journey. When you discover something new, it’s as if you’re seeing a world you’ve never seen before. You come across new ways of doing and handling things.

Phyo Paing @ Derek

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